The Project

Genius Loci aims to enhance tourism related to industrial heritage. Its purpose is to rediscover the “Genius Loci” of involved territories.

Nowadays, in the industrial heritage sector, there are many projects  focusing on ‘trails’ and large industries and very few that deal with smaller historic enterprises (SMEs) in towns and rural industries.

So, the Genius Loci project intends to foster touristic exploitation of this “forgotten” market related to the industrial heritage of SMES. Starting from the three common industrial heritage sectors of the involved countries, the packages will take into consideration the following, transnational themes:

– Weaving factory and fiber production;

– Breweries and distilleries;

– Brick and tile work.

The tourist product will combine several attractions as museums, living industries and  industrial heritage sites. To the sites involved in the tourist package, E-FAITH Label associated with a QR Code containing multi languages and multi-media information and contents will be assigned. The QR code will ensure to the visitors a real-time information concerning the places of interest, attractions, museums and  services near the itinerary. Furthermore, a specific thematic network, called INDUSTIANA, will be established in order to increase the value of the developed transnational product. The sites of the network will be selected, by taking into particular consideration the activities and the places that have been involved in the initiatives implemented during the European Industrial and Technical Heritage Year (2015). The project involves: Italy, Belgium, Malta, Hungary and Spain. The project will last 18 months.

The main objectives of the project are:
  • To acquire a deep knowledge of the development in tourism market based on industrial heritage valorization;
  • To provide to tourist operators specific tools and methodologies in order to increase the tourism flow to the industrial heritage sites;
  • To make citizens leading actors of their own tourist experience, enabling them to approach new technologies in order to choose and plan their personal transnational holiday;
  • To realize a benchmark analysis in European countries in order to identify good practices to be transferred in the field of the development of industrial heritage tourism packages;
  • To create an interactive web platform where users (both potential customers and tourist operators) could access and interact in order to promote, use and disseminate opportunities for tourism in Europe;
  • To create an E-FAITH quality Label associated with a QR Code containing multi-languages and multi-media information and contents;
  • To establish the INDUSTRIANA Network;
  • To realize networking action and training activities to disseminate the methods and materials produced, so that they are accessible to, and used by, a vast number of tourism stakeholders in Europe;
  • To carry out training activities addressed to public regional authorities, tourist operator, enterprises operating  in the field of territorial marketing and tourism promotion;
  • To enhance the visibility of typical living industries of involved countries